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Drama and art

Exploring Opportunities in Drama and the Arts at Admiral Farragut Academy

Diving into Drama At Admiral Farragut Academy, students delve into the exciting world of drama through a comprehensive program tailored to ignite their passion for theatrical arts. From the lower school to high school, the drama program presents a myriad of opportunities for students to immerse themselves in the captivating realm of acting and production.

Engaging Courses and Activities The drama program boasts a diverse array of courses and activities meticulously designed to captivate students’ interest and foster their talents. Through engaging curriculum, students have the chance to participate in school productions and musicals like “Recess! — The Musical”, where they can showcase their acting prowess and theatrical flair.

State-of-the-Art Facilities Our school takes pride in its cutting-edge facilities, particularly DeSeta Hall, a multipurpose building equipped with a theater tailored for drama classes and performances. With this top-notch infrastructure at their disposal, students can fully immerse themselves in the art of theater, honing their skills in a professional setting.

Extracurricular Enrichment In addition to the curriculum, students can further enhance their theatrical skills by joining drama clubs and actively participating in school plays. These extracurricular activities provide invaluable hands-on experience, allowing students to refine their acting and production abilities under the guidance of experienced mentors.

Unleashing Artistic Expression Embracing creativity in its purest form, Admiral Farragut Academy’s art program offers a nurturing environment where students can explore various mediums and unleash their artistic potential.

Building Blocks in Lower School From kindergarten to fifth grade, students embark on a journey of artistic discovery, attending visual arts classes that introduce them to a wide range of media, from pastels and pencils to clay and mixed media. These foundational courses not only cultivate artistic skills but also foster self-expression and creativity.

Continued Growth in Upper School As students progress to the upper school, they have the opportunity to delve deeper into the world of art through advanced courses tailored to their interests and aspirations. Whether it’s 2D and 3D art, photography, or sculpture, our high school curriculum offers a diverse array of options to suit every artistic inclination.

Pursuing Excellence with AP Art Courses For students aiming to push their artistic boundaries further, Admiral Farragut Academy offers Advanced Placement (AP) courses in art, providing a rigorous yet rewarding path towards college-level studies in visual arts. These courses not only challenge students academically but also empower them to reach new heights of artistic excellence.

Empowering Facilities Our campus is equipped with dedicated art classrooms and studios fully stocked with the tools and materials needed to explore various art forms. From canvas and brushes to digital design software, students have access to everything they need to bring their artistic visions to life.

Celebrating Creativity At Admiral Farragut Academy, we believe in celebrating the talents and achievements of our students. Through a myriad of extracurricular opportunities, such as art clubs and competitions, students have the chance to showcase their artwork and gain recognition for their exceptional talents.

Showcasing Artistic Brilliance Furthermore, the school regularly organizes art exhibitions and drama performances, providing students with platforms to share their creative endeavors with the wider community. These events not only serve as opportunities for students to shine but also inspire and enrich the cultural fabric of our school.

In Conclusion In conclusion, Admiral Farragut Academy’s drama and art programs stand as beacons of creativity and innovation, offering students a rich tapestry of opportunities to explore and cultivate their artistic talents. With a comprehensive curriculum, state-of-the-art facilities, and a supportive community of mentors and peers, our programs empower students to unleash their creativity and embark on a journey of artistic discovery. Join us, and together, let’s paint a vibrant future filled with boundless possibilities.

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