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Co-curricular programmes, DofE

Co-curricular Programs: The Duke of Edinburgh (In the opinion of students)

Opportunity for Growth

Bromsgrove School understands the importance of students stepping into the Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) Award Programme. This initiative isn’t just recognized locally; it’s known globally. It pushes students out of their comfort zones, making sure they pick up skills and experiences that will matter in life beyond the classroom.

Levels and Activities

The DofE Award Programme has three levels: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Each level means getting involved in volunteering, physical stuff, skills, and expeditions. Gold level adds a residential project. Bromsgrove students get a shot at all three levels, getting skills that work in different life situations.

Community Service and Volunteer Work

A big plus of the DofE Award Programme is its focus on community service and volunteer work. Students are pushed to do good in their communities. It’s not just a community win – it’s a personal one too, with leadership, communication, and problem-solving skills coming along for the ride.

Physical Fitness and Well-being

Getting into the DofE groove means focusing on keeping fit. Sports, fitness classes, and outdoor stuff – it’s not just about health, but also about teamwork, resilience, and sticking with things when they get tough.

Stepping Outside Comfort Zones

Most importantly, the DofE Award Programme at Bromsgrove is about making students stretch. Expeditions and residential projects aren’t just about ticking boxes – they’re about taking risks and picking up skills that’ll matter in real life.

Impact on Students’ Lives

Bromsgrove’s DofE Award Programme isn’t just something to add to the CV. It’s a game-changer. Students who’ve been through it talk about more confidence, a sense that they can handle big things, and knowing they can make a difference in the world.

Clubs and Societies

Diverse Opportunities Beyond the Classroom

Bromsgrove School doesn’t stop the learning when the bell rings. There are heaps of clubs and societies for students to jump into, bringing learning out of the classroom and into the real world.

Debating Society

Developing Public Speaking Skills

In the Debating Society, students aren’t just arguing for the sake of it. It’s about getting better at public speaking and thinking on their feet. It’s a place where they can say what they think in a way that’s backed up and respected.

Model United Nations

Understanding Global Issues

The Model United Nations (MUN) program is about getting students to know what’s going on in the world. It’s like a crash course in global issues, and students take on the role of diplomats – figuring out problems and talking them through.

Chess Club

Strategic Thinking and Problem-solving

Chess Club isn’t just about moving pieces on a board. It’s a place where students get a grip on thinking a few moves ahead. Tournaments and competitions aren’t just games – they’re challenges that build up problem-solving skills.

Robotics Club

Exploring Robotics and Engineering

The Robotics Club is where students dive into the world of making machines work. They build robots from scratch and then see how they do in challenges. It’s not just about making cool stuff – it’s about figuring out how things work in the world of engineering.

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