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Navigating Admissions at Dulwich College London

As students of Dulwich College London, one of the first hurdles we navigate is the admissions process. This inclusive, academically selective institution enrolls boys at various stages, notably in Year 3, Year 7, Year 9, and Year 12. Our experiences highlight the college’s commitment to high academic standards, broad co-curricular opportunities, and unwavering pastoral support.

Year 7: Stepping into the Lower School

Entering Year 7, about 70 of us joined the Lower School from a mix of primary and independent schools. The entrance examination, a three-part challenge lasting near two hours, tested us across various academic disciplines. Exceptional performers in these exams and the subsequent interviews were considered for academic scholarships, a testament to the college’s recognition of academic prowess.

Year 9: Joining the Middle School

For those of us starting in Year 9, the college admits around 90 boys annually to the Middle School, aside from the students advancing from the Lower School. Our unique entrance examinations tailored by Dulwich College ensured a fair assessment. The college specifies that candidates must choose between applying for Year 7 or opting for Year 9 Deferred Entry, preventing any overlap in applications.

Early Years: Entry into the Junior School

Entry at Year 3 marks the primary admittance point into the Junior School, offering about 45 places each year, with limited openings available for Year 5 entry. Our admission process involved online assessments and interviews focused on literacy, numeracy, and learning approaches, gauging both our academic and personal aptitudes at a young age.

Understanding Fees and Financial Support

The academic year 2023-24 saw us confronting the financial aspects of our Dulwich education. With day fees for the Junior and Senior School pegged at £8,231 per term, the financial commitment seemed daunting. Yet, the college’s offer of weekly and full boarding introduced us to a range of options. Recognizing the need for accessibility, Dulwich College extends financial aid through scholarships and bursaries, benefiting over 200 students with free or discounted placements.

Scholarships and Bursaries: Aiding Academic Ambitions

The college’s provision for academic scholarships and bursaries plays a central role, designed for families of academically talented boys facing financial challenges. Our academic scholarships were granted based on our standout performances in the entrance assessments and interviews. Meanwhile, bursaries, determined through a means-test, offered a lifeline by covering part of our school fees.

Beyond Admissions: A Holistic Education

Dulwich College prides itself on offering more than just an academic curriculum. This commitment is evident in our exceptional A-level and GCSE results and the extensive preparation we receive for life post-Dulwich. Our college isn’t just about studies; it’s a hub for sustainability, award-winning facilities, and a thriving alumni network of over 8,000 members. For specific entry requirements and further details, reaching out to the admissions team proved invaluable.

Summary: A Pathway to Excellence

Our journey into and through Dulwich College London reflects a carefully crafted blend of rigorous academics and enriching co-curricular experiences, all within a supportive financial framework. Each entry point into the college—be it Year 3, Year 7, or Year 9—introduces us to a unique set of challenges and opportunities, all aimed at fostering our development into well-rounded individuals prepared for the future.

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