
Currency: USD


Gender: Co-Ed
Selectivity: Selective
Total students: min 200
Total Boarders: min 50



Discovering Academic Excellence

At Cushing Academy, students find themselves in a challenging academic environment ready for success. With a comfortable student-to-teacher ratio of 8:1 and an average class size of 12, learning becomes personalized and effective. The institution proudly offers 11 Advanced Placement (AP) courses, setting the stage for academic rigor and college readiness. Additionally, for those with unique learning needs, Cushing’s robust academic support program, catering to students with conditions like ADD/ADHD, ensures that no one is left behind. With over half of the faculty holding advanced degrees, students receive instruction from highly qualified educators who are dedicated to their success.

A Campus of Opportunities

Located on a sprawling 162-acre campus, Cushing Academy boasts state-of-the-art facilities designed to enhance every aspect of student life. From the Watkins Field House to the Iorio Arena for ice hockey, the facilities cater to a wide array of interests and pursuits. For those inclined towards the arts, the Emily Fisher Landau Center for the Visual Arts provides a creative haven, while Quimby Field stands ready for athletic endeavors. With 10 dormitories accommodating the majority of the student body, along with various amenities like game rooms, laundry facilities, lounges, and wireless internet, the campus becomes a vibrant hub of activity and growth.

Nurturing Artistic and Athletic Talents

Cushing Academy celebrates the diversity of talent through its extensive arts and athletics programs. From ceramics to music theory, students have the opportunity to explore and excel in various artistic mediums. Meanwhile, the athletics program, featuring 36 teams in 13 sports, offers avenues for physical prowess and team camaraderie. With numerous NEPSAC championships under the Academy’s belt, excellence is not just encouraged but expected. Even beyond organized sports, recreational activities like aerobics, badminton, and ultimate frisbee ensure that every student finds their niche and thrives.

A Community of Inclusivity

At Cushing Academy, community isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a way of life. With a plethora of clubs and organizations ranging from the Debate Club to the Environmental Club, students find avenues for expression, connection, and growth. Through participation in activities like Model UN and the Photography Club, students hone their leadership skills and broaden their horizons. The Academy’s commitment to fostering a vibrant community extends beyond extracurriculars; it’s ingrained in the mission to nurture confident and intellectually curious individuals.

Paving the Path to Success

With a sterling track record of 100% college matriculation, Cushing Academy sets the stage for future success. The comprehensive college advising and preparation services ensure that every student is equipped with the tools and guidance needed to navigate the transition to higher education seamlessly. From Harvard to Yale to Stanford, the Academy’s graduates find themselves at the forefront of top universities, ready for greatness.

A Legacy of Achievement

Cushing Academy boasts an impressive roster of alumni who have made their mark on the world stage. From the legendary actress Bette Davis to the multifaceted talent of John Cena, the Academy’s graduates exemplify excellence in their respective fields. Notably, His Majesty Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, the King of Bhutan, stands as a testament to the global impact of a Cushing education.

Affordable Excellence

While the pursuit of excellence comes with a price, Cushing Academy remains committed to accessibility. With a boarding tuition ranging from approximately $80,560 to $80,915 for the 2024 academic year, the institution ensures that financial constraints do not hinder access to transformative education. Though the percentage of students receiving merit scholarships may be modest, the Academy’s commitment to providing financial aid underscores its dedication to inclusivity and diversity.

In Conclusion

Cushing Academy stands as a beacon of transformative education, where academic excellence, artistic expression, and athletic achievement converge in a vibrant community of learning. Through rigorous academics, extensive extracurricular offerings, and unwavering support, the Academy empowers its students to become curious, creative, and confident individuals ready to make a difference in the world. Join the journey of discovery and growth at Cushing Academy, where every student finds their path to success.

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