
Currency: EUR


Gender: Co-Ed
Selectivity: Selective
Total students: min 200
Total Boarders: min 50



Discovering the Haven: GRA’s Location and Campus

Nestled in the tranquil outskirts of Austinburg, Ohio, Grand River Academy (GRA) stands tall, encompassed by the serene expanse of 150 acres. Just a stone’s throw away from the bustling city of Cleveland, this haven offers the perfect blend of tranquility and focus, essential for academic growth.

Fellowship in Education: Student Profile and Enrollment

At GRA, diversity thrives within a close-knit community of learners. With students ranging from grades 8 through 12, including post-graduate scholars, the academy boasts an intimate student body of approximately 114. Here, the student-to-teacher ratio of 5:1 fosters an environment of personalized guidance, ensuring every voice is heard.

Forging Futures: Academic Programs

Dedicated to sculpting scholarly minds, GRA’s curriculum stands as a beacon of excellence. With a focus on college preparedness, students delve into four principal concentrations: STEM, Humanities, English and Composition, and Visual and Fine Arts. Graduating from GRA not only secures a diploma but virtually guarantees admission to esteemed American universities.

Facilitating Growth: Facilities

Within GRA’s expansive campus lies a plethora of facilities catering to both body and mind. From the well-equipped weight room to the vibrant music room, every corner resonates with opportunity. The student center, a hub of activity, offers leisurely pursuits ranging from cafe chats to friendly ping-pong matches.

Exploration Beyond the Classroom: Extracurricular Activities

Beyond the confines of academia, GRA fosters holistic development through a myriad of extracurricular avenues. With a no-cut policy for sports, students find camaraderie in varsity teams like baseball, golf, and tennis. For the artistically inclined, courses in sound engineering and web design beckon, supplemented by opportunities at the nearby Ashtabula Art Center.

Navigating Adulthood: Dormitories and Student Life

Within GRA’s four dormitories, a sense of independence intertwines with structured living. Each dormitory, complete with a spacious common room and attentive dorm parents, serves as a stepping stone towards college life. Here, students learn the art of self-reliance while forging lifelong bonds.

Echoes of Experience: Reviews and Reputation

The tapestry of GRA’s reputation weaves both accolades and critiques. While some laud its nurturing environment and dedicated faculty, others voice concerns regarding bullying and facility inadequacies. Prospective students and parents are encouraged to weigh these perspectives judiciously.

Investing in Futures: Tuition and Financial Aid

In pursuit of academic excellence, GRA endeavors to make education accessible to all. With an annual tuition of approximately $57,650 for boarding students, financial aid extends a helping hand to 25% of the student body. Additionally, the EdChoice scholarship program stands as a beacon of hope for qualifying families, covering partial or full tuition.

Embracing Legacy: Alumni and Community

The spirit of GRA resonates far beyond its hallowed halls, upheld by a robust alumni network. Through the Alumni Association, former students find avenues to give back, ensuring that the flame of mentorship continues to illuminate the path for generations to come.

In essence, Grand River Academy stands as a bastion of learning, cultivating young minds primed for the challenges of tomorrow. As you embark on this journey of discovery, may you find solace in the embrace of GRA’s community, where every step leads towards a brighter future.

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