Universities and American Academy for Girls
The American Academy for Girls (AAG) has garnered global acclaim for its unwavering dedication to prepping pupils for triumphant entries into some of the most prestigious institutions of higher learning worldwide.
Advanced Placement Courses at AAG
At the American Academy for Girls, the educational journey is profoundly enhanced by a diverse array of Advanced Placement (AP) courses. Spanning myriad subjects such as the sciences, mathematics, history, and the arts, these rigorous courses allow students to delve deeply into their chosen disciplines. Among the offerings are AP English Literature, AP English Language, AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP World History, and AP Statistics, ensuring a broad spectrum of academic exploration.
University Admissions in the United States
Sustained excellence characterizes AAG, with its students consistently clinching seats at some of the United States’ most venerated universities. Our graduates have secured admissions to notable establishments like Boston University, Northeastern University, the University of Texas at Austin, Fordham University, and the University of Illinois at Chicago. These colleges and universities offer an extensive array of educational opportunities, perfectly aligning with the diverse aspirations and intellectual pursuits of American Academy for Girls students.
Admissions in the UK and Europe
The acclaim of American Academy for Girls isn’t confined to the United States alone. Students have also been warmly welcomed by top-tier universities across the United Kingdom and Europe. Esteemed institutions such as King’s College London, Queen Mary University of London, and City, University of London, recognize and celebrate the academic prowess of our students. These universities stand out for their exemplary academic programs, providing our students with unparalleled growth and learning experiences.
Admissions in the United Arab Emirates
Closer to home, scholars from American Academy for Girls have also achieved remarkable success in securing places at prominent universities within the United Arab Emirates. Esteemed establishments like New York University Abu Dhabi, American University of Sharjah, and Mohammed Bin Rashid University of Medicine and Health Sciences have embraced our graduates. These universities offer superior educational experiences, enabling our students to strive for academic distinction while remaining culturally grounded.