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The Careers

Game-Changing Years at Ashford School

The Sixth Form years at Ashford School are like the game-changing level in a video game, where everything you do sets the stage for your future. Lucky for us, the school has this killer support program called Careers and Higher Education (HE) that’s like having a superhero guide through the academic maze and life choices.

The Role of Careers and HE Support Team

The Careers and Higher Education (HE) support team does more than just hand out brochures. They’re dedicated to understanding your dreams and strengths and helping you find the perfect path for your future. Through one-on-one discussions, you can share your aspirations, and they’ll provide insights on subjects, universities, and careers. It’s like receiving a guide to unlock your potential.

Getting into University

Let’s talk about getting into university – a maze that’s more confusing than trying to assemble IKEA furniture. But here’s where the support team becomes your personal GPS. They help you pick the right courses, find the perfect university match, and even coach you on how to make your application shine. It’s like having a backstage pass to the concert of your dreams – you want everything to be perfect.

Extra Support Events

But that’s not all! They host events that serve as mini-quests on your academic journey. These include university visits, giving you a glimpse into campus life. They also invite guest speakers who broaden your understanding of various careers. Additionally, they conduct mock interviews, which serve as dress rehearsals for real-life job situations. Essentially, it’s a crash course in skills needed for adulthood.

The Value of Work Experience

Work experience is akin to a real-life boss battle. The support program connects you with opportunities that serve as power-ups for your career advancement. This not only makes your resume more impressive, akin to a superhero cape, but also helps you discern if your dream job lives up to your expectations. It’s comparable to testing a demo before purchasing the full game.

Beyond University Life

And here’s a plot twist – they’re not all about university life. Apprenticeships and vocational courses are like the hidden levels you didn’t know existed. The team makes sure you know all your options so you can choose the path that suits your goals. It’s like having a menu with secret items that only cool insiders know about.

Post-Graduation Support

The support doesn’t end with your graduation. As you navigate through higher education, the team remains your reliable ally. They assist in picking courses, finding internships, or preparing for postgraduate studies – always there like a faithful teammate. It’s like having Yoda whisper career advice in your ear.

Personal Development

However, the program isn’t solely focused on academics. It also emphasizes personal development. This isn’t just about preparing you for exams; it’s about developing your communication skills, critical thinking abilities, and time management expertise. It’s akin to becoming a well-rounded, multi-skilled character in the game of life.

The MVP of the Sixth Form Experience

So, the Careers and Higher Education support program at Ashford School isn’t just another feature in the Sixth Form experience – it’s the MVP. With a customized guide, a treasure chest of resources, and a mission to make you the hero of your story, the program turns you into this unstoppable force ready to conquer the next level of your academic journey and beyond. It’s not just a program; it’s the secret weapon that makes Ashford students unstoppable.

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