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Academic Achievments


Academic Performance (The way students see it)

Strong Academic Performance at DLD College London for 2022

At DLD College London, 2022 was a year that showcased strong academic performance, reflecting the effective collaboration and perseverance of students and teachers.

GCSE Achievements Unveiled

The GCSE students excelled, with a third achieving 5 or more grades between 9-6. Over twenty percent surpassed expectations, securing 5 or more at the 9-7 grades, and a distinguished 15% attained top grades of 9-7 in all their subjects.

A-Level Accomplishments

Celebration was in order for the A-Level students, where 40% boasted A*-A grades and a whopping 70% landed A*-B. Fourteen percent reached the peak with three or more at A*-A. Notably, all candidates in Classical Civilisation and Further Maths achieved A*-B. In addition, many scored over 80% A*-B grades in other major subjects like Sociology, Art & Design, and History.

BTEC Results Exceeding Expectations

BTEC students set an exemplary standard, with 92% attaining distinctions – an equivalent to A* or A at A-Level – and everyone achieving at least a merit. Business Diploma students all received distinctions, while an impressive 42% achieved the highest D2 passes, on par with two A* and one A at A-Level.

This consistent academic success throughout 2022 reflects DLD College London’s commitment to excellence in education. These achievements are not merely numbers but a testament to the school’s dedication to fostering academic growth and setting a benchmark for all students.

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