
Currency: USD


Gender: Girls Only
Sport (Competitive level): Tennis Football (Soccer) Swimming Horseback riding Basketball
Selectivity: Semiselective
Boarding age (from): 9
Religion: No
Total students: from 500
Total Boarders: 100-300
Residential options: Homestay Day Weekly/Flexi boarding Full boarding




A Closer Look at Badminton School

Academic Rigor and Success

At Badminton School, high academic standards are the norm. It’s a place where over 80% of the students graduate with A*-A grades, a testament to the school’s commitment to academic excellence. Each year, around 10% of the graduating class secures offers from top universities like Oxford and Cambridge, while specialized SAT courses offer students a pathway to education in the United States. The curriculum is broad, balanced, and designed to challenge and inspire, culminating in impressive examination results that open doors to world-class higher education opportunities.

Beyond the Classroom

The education ethos at Badminton extends far beyond traditional academics. Here, education is seen as a holistic journey, with a focus on hands-on, interactive learning experiences. This approach not only ensures a deeper understanding of subjects but also fosters critical and creative thinking skills. Teachers, passionate experts in their fields, ignite curiosity and encourage active participation among students, preparing them for success in all aspects of life.

Embracing Global Perspectives

With a diverse student base, Badminton School offers a truly international outlook. Emphasizing the importance of global engagement, the school incorporates languages like Mandarin early on and provides opportunities such as attending university lectures. This multicultural environment helps students develop a broad worldview, an essential component in today’s interconnected global society.

Facilities for Holistic Development

The school’s facilities are second to none, featuring a modern sports center, Creative Arts Centre, Science Centre, and a Music School complete with its own recording studio. A staggering 85% of students play at least one musical instrument, highlighting the school’s strong emphasis on artistic and physical development alongside academic learning.

Pastoral Care and Community

At Badminton, the well-being of students is paramount. Boarding houses equipped with modern amenities provide a safe, comfortable living environment, while experienced wardens and a supportive pastoral care system promote a positive, confident outlook among students. This nurturing atmosphere is crucial in enabling students to thrive and achieve their best.

Alumni Impact

The success stories of alumnae like Indira Gandhi and Rosamund Pike underscore the significant impact Badminton School has on its students. These accomplished women exemplify the school’s ability to empower students to reach their full potential and make meaningful contributions to the world.


Badminton School stands out as a premiere institution for girls’ education in the UK, offering a distinct blend of high academic standards, a holistic approach to learning, and a nurturing community. With its forward-thinking educational practices and commitment to nurturing future leaders, Badminton School is not just a school but a launchpad for young women destined to make a difference in the world.

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